High School Club Seminars

How do we get in contact with you?

Through the contact form on my website or through email hughctx@gmail.com

What topics can you talk about?

Anything and everything. I have been giving private seminars to school clubs for years. These topics have ranged from in person electronics courses, specific lakes for tournament preparation, reading maps and breaking down lakes, or just a fishing clinic for beginners. Please let me know of any topic you wish to cover and I can make a new presentation if I do not already have one. 

Why should we book these for our club?

These private seminars are a great way for members of your club to learn and save money. No information is off limits during the seminar and after there will be open Q&A for off topic questions. Clubs usually pay for the seminar through booster club, sponsors, or having attending members split costs. These seminars are more cost efficient than a $250+ private on the water lesson with me. 

How long do these seminars last? 

Depending on the information in the seminar, between a 1.5-2.5 hours. 

Who can attend these meetings? 

Any youth angler, parents, boat captain,  or sponsor related to the club. 

Will we get a copy of the presentation?

Yes, there will be handouts to take notes during the presentation and all attending members will be able to add their email to receive a pdf copy of the presentation after. ​